LifeWise for everyday individual use

LifeWise is an app aimed at changing the way we think and talk about death and grief. We empower you to create and exchange unique challenges and tasks with others, fostering a supportive community dedicated to destigmatizing these crucial discussions.

Urgent support

Are you in need of immediate support? If so, you can view our list of resources.
If not, you can find some information on LifeWise below.


How does Lifewise work?

LifeWise has a series of physical locations, along with an interactive app that you can download to make promises to yourself, and to keep track of them. Here's how it works:

1. Find a box

You can find a box in one of our physial locations.

2. Take a task

From the box you can take a card with a task made by someone else.

3. Take envelope

Next to it, you can also find and take an an envelope.

4. Material

In the envelope are instructions, some input words, and an empty card.

5. Create a task

Using the input words you make your own task for someone else and put it on the postcard.

6. Pass task to someone else

You can then send the postcard back for another person to draw.

7. Download app

You download the app, and add your first task (on the postcard you drew from the box).

8. Find other locations

You use the app to keep track of your promises and find new locations.

9. Make promises, complete tasks

Your dashboard changes to reflect your journey.

10. Collect a gift

When you are finished, you can pick up a small final gift at any of the locations.

Ready to try it out? Visit us at one of the locations to draw your first challenge and download the LifeWise app!

Download the app